WUAC - World Union of Akita Clubs

World Union of Akita Clubs (W.U.A.C.): Articles of Union

Article 1 : 

This organization is officially named the “World Union of Akita Clubs” (abbreviation: WUAC).

Article 2 :  

The office of the WUAC is located in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN.

<Aims & Projects>
Article 3 : 

The WUAC, as the center of Akita Clubs in the world, shall take care of following aims.

(1) Promoting of social and cynological activities with Akitas.
(2) Promoting of exact understanding of breed standard for Akitas.
(3) Improving of mental and physical health of Akitas.
(4) Educating of judges of Akitas.
(5) The WUAC shall take note of the independence of the members.
(6) The WUAC shall not be related to the political, economical and ideological issues among members.
(7) Cooperating with the FCI in order to develop Akitas.
(8) Other projects that are recognized necessary by the WUAC.

Article 4 :

The WUAC shall be organized by the members who accept the aims and projects of Article 3.

(1) The WUAC shall not be related to ideological, emotional and personal issues among the Akita Clubs in the member countries. Because of this, only one Akita Club from each country will be accepted by the WUAC.  This Akita Club must be recognized and affiliated to the national kennel club.  
(2) In order to become a member of the WUAC, an Akita Club of each country has to submit the following documents.
(a) A completed Application Form
(b) A copy of the articles or the regulations of the Akita Club, who will apply to become a member of the WUAC.
(c) Protocol of the decision making of the Akita Club to become a member of the WUAC.
(3) Approval of the membership shall be decided by the General Assembly or, in place of it, by the Executive Committee.
(4) If a member wants to resign from the WUAC, he must write reasons of resignation to the President of the WUAC. The President of the WUAC informs the resignation to the General Assembly or the Executive Committee.
(5) If a member refuses to follow the Articles or duties, the President shall make all treatments under the decision of the General Assembly or the Executive Committee.
(6) The membership of the WUAC shall be revoked in the following cases,
(a) if a member does not pay membership fees for more than 4 years successively.
(b) if a member applies to resign.
(c) if a member breaks up.

Article 5 :  

(1) The WUAC has following officers.
- President          1
- Vice-President   1
- Director           4 or less
- Treasurer          1
- Auditor            1

(2) The President of the WUAC shall be nominated from JAPAN as a country of origin.
(3) The term of office shall be for 4 years, and they can be eligible for re-election.
(4) The term of office for Officers who are replaced shall be for the balance of term of the predecessor.

Article 6 :  

(1) The office of the WUAC shall be located in the Japan Kennel Club.
(2) The office of the WUAC shall be responsible for the protocol of the General Assembly and other meetings.

Article 7 : 

(1) The WUAC has following committees.
- General Assembly
- Executive Committee
(2) The Executive Committee consists of the officers stated in Article 5 (1).

<General Assembly>
Article 8 :

(1) The General Assembly of the WUAC shall be held at least once every 2 years.
(2) Notice to convene the General Assembly shall be given by the President.
(3) Notice to convene the General Assembly shall be given in writing at least 3 months prior to the date of the Assembly. The notice shall include the date, venue and agenda of the Assembly.
(4) Chairman of the General Assembly shall be presided by the President. However, in the event the President is unable to preside at the General Assembly due to unavoidable circumstances, the Vice-President shall preside as chairman at the Assembly.

<Competence of General Assembly>
Article 9 :

(1) The General Assembly is valid and can take decisions, when more than 50% of members present.
(2) Each member can be entitled to one vote.
(3) Decisions have to be approved by at least a simple majority of the votes (50% of the vote +1). In the case of just 50% by vote, the Chairman can decide.
(4) A member can vote with a proxy for other member.
(5) The competence of the General Assembly is as follows:
(a) Amendments of the Articles of the WUAC
(b) Dissolution of the WUAC
(c) Approval of cynological program of the WUAC
(d) Approval of the financial report
(e) Election and expelling of officers
(f) Acceptance of new members and decisions on expulsion of members
(g) Other matters which are decided as necessary by executive committee

<Executive Committee & Other Committee>
Article 10 :   

(1) Meeting of the Executive Committee or other committee shall be convened by the President as and when necessary. The competence of the committees is as follows:
(a) to carry out the decision of the General Assembly.
(b) to submit agenda and proposals to the General Assembly.
(c) to set up special committee on the standard and scientific researches.
(2) A member of Executive Committee can nominate his representative of the club, if he can not attend the meeting of the Executive Committee.
At least 2 weeks before the meeting, the name of his representative must be informed to the President of the WUAC.

Article 11 :

(1) The period of the accounting shall start on January 1 and end on December 31 every year.
(2) The WUAC gets revenue from membership fee, donation support, and so on.
(3) Membership fee shall be paid until March 31 every year.
(4) As long as the membership fee is not paid, this member has no right to vote at the General Assembly.

Article 12 :

(1) The President of the WUAC can achieve all the matters not specified herein under the decision of the General Assembly or the Executive Committee.
(2) The decision of the General Assembly shall be final.


Effective on June 23, 2000

Amended on May 8, 2014

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